So I've been pretty careless with money this past year. Not to mention I work a crappy job that pays badly. I'm choking trying to pay the minimum payments on all my credit cards. And its my own dumbass fault. It's my responsibility to fix my situation.
And the good jobs that I want at non-profits are scarce. I've sent my info to a few and got no responses. Granted I need to pursue them more aggressively and something might open up. Also everyday my butt is stranded at work with no internet. Nothing. If I could surf the web at work I would've been out of there at least year ago. Grrrrr. Now I have wireless on my laptop but lately places are charging for it. CHARGING! Ughh its soooo annoying. I went to McDonalds last week and paid $2 for a day pass, which isn't bad, but the internet was slow as fuck. Plus someone hacked into my myspace account a few days later and sent out all that porn crap. Coincidence? I think not.
Then the Starbucks in King of Prussia wants you to sign up and pay for a $10 day pass. Um hell no! Considering I would use it for about 40 minutes max. So anyway I have to be super aggressive when I'm actually AT HOME which I am rarely am. I'm usually distracted by something when I'm actually online at home. Damn you myspace. I'm really trying to not waste so much time on there this year.
Which leads me to an endeavor that I'm seriously considering, just to dig myself out of my hole a little while I'm trying to find a better paying job.
And that's becoming an egg donor. Apparently people will pay $5,000 for you eggs. Granted its a difficult and risky procedure. First I have to go through intensive physical and psychological screening. I have to answer a detailed questionnaire about my whole genetic history, including any genetic or terminal illnesses that my extended family has had. Then if a couple chooses me as their donor I would need to take different medications and give myself shots of growth hormones for 3 weeks before retrieval. Retrieving eggs is a surgical procedure that involves anesthesia and my eggs would be removed vaginally while I'm under.
I'm ok with the exams. I go to the gyno regularly so being probed isn't a big deal. Even the shots don't scare since I'm a masochist anyway. I went under for my wisdom teeth and it wasn't bad. I figure anything that pays that much for a 20 minute procedure is going to involve my vagina somehow. At least this isn't degrading and won't end up on the internet. I won't even feel it.
It's not like I need my eggs right now. Or I'm in a relationship with someone who might object to sharing my eggs. I believe strongly in organ donation and if I can share my healthy parts with someone when I'm actually alive, then why not? I like the idea of helping an infertile couple reach their dream of having a child.
I loved the movie Juno which deals with adoption. Like OBSESSIVE loved it.
Then there are risks afterward including ovarian cysts and some studies link growth hormones to ovarian cancer. So I don't know. I have the extensive application next to me right now but I still haven't filled it out. I'm feeling chicken. Who knows if a couple will actually pick me. I can also back out at anytime of course but I don't wanna be a flake to an infertile couple.
Why do I get myself into these situations? I don't know what to do. I am tempted though.
I'll give you $50 right now if I can use your eggs for freakish experiments.
ow ow ow, i heard it hurts like a mother fucker!if you think craps are bad, think "cramps on steroids". yeah. dont do it laura... you might need your eggs someday!
i'd be scared id give away my GOOD eggs, so that when i decide to have kids later there would only be demented crusty eggs left. no good! lol
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