Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Email that I sent to my family last week

I get to help out with my ailing, awful grandparents once a week and here is an email that I sent to my entire family about one particularly harrowing experience:

Hello family,
I had the pleasure of babysitting duty for Captain and Mrs. Annoying and I wanted to tell you all about my wonderful Sunday.

Last night I had my 10 year high school reunion where I was very worried about Grandpop at the open bar. After many vodka tonics I finally relieved most of my worry for the night.
I woke up this morning at my place with my pajamas on backwards and the worst hangover I've had in years.

I spent all morning throwing up and laying on my couch praying for my forehead to stop pounding. At 10:30 am I called Uncle Mike's BFF before she could call me and get mad at me for not answering.

Adria informed me that although she went shopping 2 days ago with Jeanie, she "forgot" a couple of items and needed me to take her to Giant. I think she didn't want to spend over $20 at her last shopping trip so she omitted a few things, assuming I could take her shopping again today. I can barely tolerate shopping with Adria when I'm feeling normal, and knew that this was sure to be my worst nightmare.

My stomach was almost settled at Giant but I did NOT have the patience for Adria's antics today. Her "few" things ended up being about 10 items located all over the store. While she was trying find her hair dye, which was quite time consuming since she can't see anything, I had to walk away to avoid losing my breakfast in the store. She proceeded to approach strangers to ask where things are (most of whom ignored her), crash her cart into the shelves and my legs (because she couldn't see them), and be an all around pain in the ass.

After the shopping nightmare we went to visit Rudy where she continued to annoy the shit out of me. All she did was complain about how the nurses don't do anything but sit and watch TV. She calls them "witches" since they only come out at night. She also annoyed the hell of Rudy by going through his closet and bugging him about where his socks went. She is afraid to be alone with Rudy so she followed me to the bathroom (even though she had just gone) and then complained about how far we had to walk to it.

I have never been more relieved to drop that woman off at home.
Dad, now I truly understand why you drink.

Love, Laura

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