Monday, January 3, 2011

Laid (off)

Happy 2011. I am 30 now and just a little bit wiser. 2011 has given me the great gift of being laid off from another lackluster job. I felt my soul being sucked out of me every day at that job. Or less dramatically, it just wasn't for me.

I am extremely happy about being laid off. The question is, am I brave enough to use this as an opportunity to live the life I really want? I friggin hope so.

Right I'm just enjoying the quiet of possibility. Each day brings... whatever I want (within reason). Last night I couldn't sleep, so I got up and watched tv until 3am. It felt so good to do something so rebellious. I am a die hard morning person and try to stick to a strict sleep schedule. It felt like I was in college again on winter break, when anything was possible.

And anything IS possible. I feel so incredibly FREE.  Yes, I feel scared, lost and alone all at the same time, but right now I'm the most free person that I know. I'm gonna ride this ride hard and see where it takes me.

What do you think I should do next???

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