You have disappointed me immensely.
You were nothing but lies and deceit.
I let you into my world and you did nothing but betray me.
You are a disgusting, filthy coward.
No matter who you fuck, she's never going to want you again.
She doesn't love you anymore.
She has moved on.
So suffer in pain like a real man.
Sleep alone, cry, meditate.
Don't seek comfort in another woman's cunt.
You're never going to find it there.
She will never look at you that way again.
No matter who you fuck.
That won't make you feel better.
So get over it.
Stop lying and causing more pain to others.
Even an unwanted, aborted child didn't stop you,
From spreading your poison around Philadelphia and beyond.
From continuing your lies,
Keeping up appearances,
Never sleeping alone,
And most of all, lying to yourself.
Even an amazing woman like me,
Wasn't good enough to stop your cycle.
I gave you everything I had.
And you took all you could
From me
And the next girl.
And the next.
Basically any girl who is stupid enough to fall for your fake sincerely and "passion"
You will take advantage of.
Prey on their loneliness.
Pretend you care what they say.
And then fuck another girl the next day.
You can't say no to any pussy.
Until your dick turns purple and falls off.
I have one question for you.
When you look at yourself in the mirror each morning, do you like the man that you see?
Would you trust him?
That's what I thought.
So fuck you.
I will tell your story to anyone who will listen.
And you will get what you deserve.
You will be alone.
While she marries someone else.
So get the fuck over it.
You pathetic excuse for a man.
You will get what you deserve.